I am super excited about this opportunity to collaborate with the CTC and teach this course, Getting to Solutions: The Heart of Counseling.
This course takes place over nine weeks, with six synchronous 2-hour sessions from 7 – 9am ET on Saturdays. You will engage in a range of activities, some of which will be carried out during the synchronous session and some that will be available to you through asynchronous tasks and resources.
Participants and I will share, learn, and grow together as we explore how to implement more culturally responsive, solution-focused counseling tools and interventions. We all have a wealth of knowledge, and this course will offer a safe, supportive, and engaging space to share our successes and dig deep as we evolve professionally.
So, if you are an international school counselor or a counselor anywhere globally and/or a well-being professional tasked with supporting students and families, plewse sign up for this course. You can use this link, https://www.theptc.org/ctc106, to register. Plewse feel free to share with others that you believe may benefit from this class and the community we will build.
I look forward to seeing you on November 2nd!