If you are a professional school counselor, mental health professional working in a school setting, or an educator with a desire to learn how to better support your students, you should attend this course, Culturally Competent Counseling: Building Skills & Awareness. It’s being offered by the International School Counselor Association, ISCA, an organization known for providing quality, relevant, practical, and evidence-based learning opportunities for international counselors and educators.
I am so excited to collaborate with ISCA on the creation of this and other courses, and I am just as eager to learn from the other brilliant and caring professionals offering their expertise and perspective to help grow the profession and support our growth as helping professionals.
Having worked as a Professional School Counselor and Licensed Psychotherapist in the United States and abroad for 9 years (6 of those taking place in Beijing, China), I have witnessed firsthand the importance and necessity of running a comprehensive, culturally responsive counseling program and BEING a culturally competent and responsive counselor. Our school communities are bastions cultural diversity, and it is an ethical imperative for us as counselors to provide the most equitable, relevant, and competent care possible.
Participating in this course can be a catalyst for your journey or a reinforcement for your growth. As a community, we will learn, listen, support, reflect, and create.
I hope you consider signing up for this course and lending your perspective for our collective benefit and for the betterment of the students, families, and communities that we support.
You can visit https://iscainfo.com/Academy-Course-Registrations to register for the course. I hope to see you there.